Friday, September 06, 2013

English Proficiency Scholarship Giveaway

This is my first time working with bloggers and social media practitioners in terms of giveaways.  I know that bloggers individually and collectively have a strong voice and presence online.  Therefore, I have decided to offer them 20 English proficiency scholarship giveaways valued at almost Php 120,000; each scholarship is good for a 40-hour course at either the Makati or Quezon City branch of the American Institute for English Proficiency.

The group courses include: C3 Course (Conversation Fluency, Critical Thinking, and Confidence Building), PSG Course (Public Speaking and Grammar), and CX Course (Communication Excellence).  CX Course is actually a combination of the C3 and PSG courses, and it includes American accent training.  There are about 5-15 students per class.

Since I have never done a giveaway with bloggers and social media experts before, I am very excited to see the results.

1 comment:

SpecialEducationPhilippines said...

Looking forward to working with the American Institute for English Proficiency soon. I hope that we can help more Filipinos, especially the newly graduates, get better jobs by improving their language skills in English.