I was browsing through my photos, and I came across this one. My friends and I traveled to Hundred Islands during the Holy Week, and along the way, we saw the re-enacment of Jesus' excruciating "carrying of the the cross." I have seen this on TV before on CNN when I was still in the US, but this vision was now live. Behind "Jesus" were some shirtless men who wereself-flagellating.
I was amazed by what I saw because there are some of us who are so passionate about our beliefs. We know that there are many wars out there cause by our overzealous beliefs. I would not necessarily approve of this act, but as long as it is done safely, without hurting the self and others, then I say "to each his own."
I was amazed by what I saw because there are some of us who are so passionate about our beliefs. We know that there are many wars out there cause by our overzealous beliefs. I would not necessarily approve of this act, but as long as it is done safely, without hurting the self and others, then I say "to each his own."